It's really weird how preferences work.

A hundred years ago when I was first taught linux, they gave me a Suse. And though I like the available games, I never really warmed up to #kde.
I don't remember when I encountered #gnome, but for some reason that one was fine with me.

It's now 2024, once again I'm trying to leave windows for good (chances are really good this time!). I decided on #LinuxMint because shit just works. But a friend has #openSuse and is trying to sell me on it, and I have heard good things about it.
So I installed it on my netbook. It was just as easy (though it loses points when having to handle dual boot partitioning). Software I need is there. Yubikey is working, games are working (though since this is a netbook, I haven't tried the triple A ones).
Kde plasma objectively looks good, options are easily findable, it works well enough...

And I still dislike it. No idea why. 🤔

Sorry, opensuse. 🙈

@bluewitch I mean, no skin off my back, if you like but is right there in and is well supported, if it's just the Desktop Environment that is the problem.


@bluewitch it's all good and the best thing to do is use what you like, there doesn't need to be a specific reason.