@endali I'm so glad the money I paid for Terraria this year is going toward this.
@raccoonformality @endali open source, cross-platform reimplimentation of Microsoft XNA
@endali Where did you find this? I checked their twitter but I can't see it there.
edit: found it on their terraria account: https://twitter.com/Terraria_Logic
@nitramiuz @endali Logged out version doesn't show any new posts for some reason, here's the post on Nitter: https://nitter.net/Terraria_Logic/status/1704227519027651016#m
@endali This. THis is how you game industry.
And it made me go buy Terraria too. Can't say no to a $12 game when it supports a good community player.
@endali I was reading this and was like weird I have never heard of FNA. Its developed by like one person and it looks like the 100k +12k per year is all going to Ethan Lee (https://github.com/sponsors/flibitijibibo) which seems like a huge amount. I wonder if there will be a big change in that project with that sort of cash all the sudden.
@endali so I figured it out: Re-Logic are the developers of Terraria (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terraria) which is developed in Microsoft XNA that has recently been discontinued and FNA is an open source re-implementation of that engine! Makes sense that they would want to turbo charge the only FLOSS path to continue using the engine of their choice...
@endali 100k each AND a 1000$ a month sponsor?
DAMN, talk about supporting the community
@endali truly amazing to see how unity has unilaterally got all of gaming unified against them now, it's fantastic
@endali “Hey, your biggest competitor screwed up, here’s 100k on top of that.”
@endali You can even get this game #DRMFree at https://gog.com if you care about those things.
I'm currently working on a #nix derivation to get a better experience on #linux.
@SrEstegosaurio @endali I don’t plan to ever play it again as I’ve beat it once, but I just bought another copy to support them.
> XNA that has recently been discontinued
FYI, xna hasn't been supported for a decade! But Terraria is even older than that...
@idbrii ah yeah I see that now. I hadnt heard of either before this thread so was curious why a studio would drop 100k on an random engine written by 1 person so thats why I had looked into it