I'm curious why does mastodon (& I assume the Fediverse) not really use or value stars ⭐? I've had it explained that they don't do anything (then why have them?) But more to the point would you eat at a place that had ZERO stars ⭐ on TripAdvisor?
The people reading your posts value them. We can click and see how many people read our posts. It is kinda nice when you aren't up to chatting.
@UnCoveredMyths My thoughts exactly. Often I feel people are being personal or vulnerable & a ⭐ says "Hey someone heard you but I'm not gonna broadcast this OK?"
Also a boost & a ⭐ means double like in my book.
@sentient_water I’d much rather star then boost or comment. It’s an easy way to acknowledge someone and let them know they are seen and appreciated. Sometimes I just don’t have words to comment, but like a post, so I fave it.
@setmeravelles Same same amigo.
@mxtthxw Who's the wee emoji guy? I adore him.
@sentient_water @UnCoveredMyths
For me, a ⭐ is someone quietly saying "I really liked that." A boost is speaking to the room, "Listen up, y'all need to hear this."
@simonlbn ⭐ = spoon dependent reply.
@sentient_water I think some people think that because they don't do anything in terms of promoting posts, unlike on the birdsite, then they're useless. But for a lot of people, me included, it's a nice way to say you like a post, or find it interesting, or you're sending support, without having to find the words to say all that.
@sheepnik @sentient_water Yes, I use it to say: great post, I saw that, I acknowledge that etc
@sentient_water Heck, I use stars all the time. I'm fairly certain that anyone following me probably won't want to see a boost in their timeline for everything I get a kick out of, so a star lets me indicate to the poster that I like their post without boosting it onto any followers. If the post is something that I feel should be pushed along to followers, I boost it. But I doubt that many folks are interested in my fondness for kittens, otters, or bad puns.
@isotope239 Pretty sure Mastodon's central currency is cat pictures & bad puns.
@sentient_water The stars actually do something. Next to your profile name you have three vertical dots, if you click on it, you should see "Favourites." Everything that you stared should be in there.
@yourautisticlife Well well well. Every day is a school day. Thanks.
@yourautisticlife @sentient_water This. I use stars to favourite posts so that I can refer back to them later. IMHO, there is no need to up or downvote posts on the Fediverse.
@bitlevel @sentient_water You can also bookmark them. That's what I do when I'm more or less neutral towards a post. I'd keep the stars for posts that I like because some of us are clamoring for a system where priority in our "Home" timeline at least is given to people whose toots we liked in the past. See this issue:
@sentient_water Which explains why I hang around here quite a lot! 🙃
I throw stars like confetti.
Such fun. All the glittering! ✨ ⭐️✨
Like it? Have a star. Appreciate your art? Have a star. Agree with what you said? Here’s a star for you. Found this an interesting new thought? I think you should have a star, too.
There’s room for so many stars in the fediverse ☀️
@nellie_m Exactly! Who didn't absolutely love getting a gold star sticker on their schoolwork?