"minors DNI" always makes us a bit sad. we know there are good reasons why individual queers and especially trans people use it, and they really are valid and we wouldn't dream of tearing those down
but the proliferation still makes us sad. because we know how alienated so many minors feel in queer communities. The message they get is that if you're a minor then having a sexuality is shameful or wrong, which is the exact opposite of queer community
No se si esta gente es tonta, inculta o fanática
Ismini Anastassiou Mustakis: la empresaria chilena que lidera “una cruzada” contra los gays https://www.elmostrador.cl/noticias/2023/09/20/ismini-anastassiou-mustakis-la-empresaria-chilena-que-lidera-una-cruzada-contra-los-gays/
Instalé #Bluesky. Lo primero que noto es que tiene trackers. 73 intentos de rastreo en solo unos minutos (según la app de #Duckduckgo)
Dear Twitter users. Your support of a social media platform that welcomes and pays for far-right content is NOT the fault of capitalism. No one is forcing you to post cat pics on the fascist-friendly dead bird site. This is YOUR decision and history won't judge it kindly.
[source https://www.taiwannews.com.tw/en/news/4834381 (via @beritmiriam)]
Get ready for more users arriving the fediverse whenever this hits.