I hate this, but every time I think we're just about to get comfortable with next month's salary some new big emergency purchase comes up and I end up in the negative again, my whole salary just being eaten up by going back up to zero and paying rent
I'm feeling some burnout coming and I'm scared of the negative sign on my bank account because what if I get worse and can't work as much as I do right now ._.
Help, please?
(ugh, had to repost because I messed up the link and apparently nobody noticed until now .___.)
robotgirl covered in stickers like it is a trans girl's thinkpad
@jaelisp for a small price, basically for the cost of shipping, @RadicalGraffiti will send you an envelope of progressive stickers, including trans rights ones. I keep a few on me at all times to cover up fascist BS stickers. https://radicalstickers.bigcartel.com/ This reminds me I need to order some more.