
coolbean (account has been reverted to before we moved back to this instance)

i am on 2.4.1 out of 24 chapters,,,,

maybe racket aint worth it, wdym lists are pairs and pairs are strange and what the fuck are symbols aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


coolbean (account has been reverted to before we moved back to this instance)

@quasar it also literally at one point points out how pairs are usually only created to begin with because someone used cons wrong lmao

this chapter is so confusing and so pointless i think its going somewhere but as of right now its just longwinded and confusing


coolbean (account has been reverted to before we moved back to this instance)

@quasar at this point i dont even know, i think they might be the basis for them but they’re not one and the same

pairs have multiple values (contrary to the name, you can have a value in a pair with another pair which technically means this pair now holds 3 values…. wait are pairs just trees???? can pairs be in a pair with other pairs????? pear trees!)

so anyway, that crisis aside, symbols are basically just plain words that evaluate to themselves, they’re probably involved in pairs and lists (and definitely related) but im not deep enough in this page to understand how