Wow. This email from a UK hospital instructs healthcare workers not to test for COVID because it might keep them out of work for longer. What happened to "do no harm"?
(Source: Prof. Stephen Griffin)
Not only will the poor guidance from hospitals to ignore COVID testing harm patients, it will harm healthcare workers at a time every hospital is desperately understaffed. Far better to allow HCWs to recover a few more days than lose many more from the profession entirely.
@luckytran They read "1 in 5 UK doctors with long covid can no longer work" and said "those are rookie numbers!"
@luckytran That seems positively criminal. It literally could result in the death of patients because the caught COVID from their medical personnel: or the personnel could be not well enough and make a mistake in administering medication or surgery or treatment.
@luckytran Doesn't surprise me. When I go for hospital appointments (or even Covid vaccinations) I am invariably the only person wearing a mask (FFP3), too.
@luckytran what the hell? We know that you can be infectious with no symptoms.
@luckytran I guess they'll be closing the radiology and pathology departments and relying on "feels" from now on too?
@luckytran ...we literally came back from a Dr's appt - when inquiring about new 'boosters' for Covid, nurses and staff were eager to handout 'flu' flyers (found among the other countless informative flyers of illnesses such as hepatitis, etc), but when pressed with a "...not flu, Covid", they all began to stutter, fumble the flyers and, ultimately, suggested to search on our own the local area for the Covid vax/boosters - a medical office!!!
This is what they wanted, though. They're going to pretend that Covid is no big deal until it kills them. Yes, they're harming others, but most of the others seem to be ok with it. Not saying I agree, just pointing out that we are far beyond the point of rational discourse.
I responded to this on Xhitter yesterday. Totally unacceptable and I said as much.
Completely miss staff with their own medical issues or with family and friends with comorbidities 🙄🤦♂️
Sanity is in such short supply.
This "advice" not to test lest you then take appropriate precautions (among multiple other things)uuuujiuju is so dangerously, maliciously INSANE.
@luckytran unfortunately this seems like a case of them wanting to "do no harm (to our business productivity and ability to go to work)"
obviously that won't work out well for their employees and will absolutely cause some distrust with that IPC team
@luckytran All who wrote and agreed that policy should be removed from healthcare provision and any form of management immediately.
And not let back.
@luckytran "do no health" replaced do no harm since 2020.
@hannu_ikonen @luckytran Not sure if should laugh, cry, or break shit.
@shayz0rz @luckytran A good union worker will interpret symptoms liberally and stay out a long, long time based on those guidelines
@hannu_ikonen @shayz0rz @luckytran
Better in the long term that way. A dead doctor doesn't cure too many patients.
@DMRDynamics @luckytran The rules at Our House are:
1.) It's #COVID until you test 🤧negative. You will stay home. You must mask 😷up in public where more than 2 people are present
2.) It's STILL #COVID until you test negative 5 days later n you have 🤧symptoms. You will stay home.
3.) It's not #COVID after 12 days n you test negative without 😀symptoms. You will continue to mask up everywhere in public.😷
4.) It can still be #COVID so you will update your vaccine after 3 months n mask up 😷
@666k9s @DMRDynamics @luckytran @_L1vY_ I like it!