Edited 3 months ago

@soap Maybe you would know this (but putting on public for others to learn)

Matchmaking for S+ levels: Is it suppose to be “everybody who’s S+ is in your pool” or is it still suppose to be close to your S+ level?

I somehow lucked my way into S+0 and have been getting absolutely walloped in Rank and X battles ever since. Think my current record is like 13 - 33

“Skill issue” to be sure, but dang was not expecting this.

(not worth a reset since Season is about up)

e: 13-33 is only recent. I think I’m like -1700 because almost every series is 0-3 blobcatdizzy

e2: Tossing some tags for visibility (does this work on an edit?)
#Splatoon #Splatoon3

0 Unfortunately I don't really know, I've heard conflicting things about it. Most people say it can match anyone in S+0 to S+50, but I've also heard it separates below and above S+10, and I've even heard there's a hidden MMR (but I'm not sure if its used in Series).

Regardless, the skill variance is VERY large at S+ because even top-level players will leave their series rank at S+0 and just play X rank except for when X rotations are bad. So you're very likely to be playing a lot of competitive folks (not necessarily top-level players but players that do grind the game in X battles and tournaments).

If you're open to it, it might be worth a try to calc your X power and see if you get more even matches in X rank (which will matchmake on a tighter skill variance with a clearly displayed MMR). It's a bit scary at first though so I don't blame you if that's not your cup of tea

@soap Wow thanks a lot. Players ditching series and going for X makes a lot of sense because "wow" there are some cool badges out there!