Hmpf. I run my nextcloud on a tiny server at home, via #dyndns.
In the beginning, I had the dyndns-update-script in my router, and for a few weeks it worked. Until it didn't, for no reason at all. Ok, telekom device, don't think about it too hard, it's not good for your sanity.

I set up a cronjob on my server (2, actually, because I wasn't sure if I needed to use the user or sudo one.). A/B testing said it didn't matter, so I left one with an hourly update (even though my IP changes on a weekly basis).

Fine. Cool.

It ran for months, until today it wasn't. Between Midnight and 9, the hourly update didn't work. However, a manual one did... so everything is working now and I don't know why 😶

...time for more A/B testing