The Linux onboarding experience
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A few years ago, I decided to seriously think about whether or not my Win7 machine could continue into the future. There wasn't anything wrong with it, but there were rumblings that Microsoft was trying to prohibit/make unusable anything that wasn't part of the Win10 botnet, and I had encountered a few obscure errors in modern games (ignore that most modern games suck).

This ultra freetard attitude is exactly what steered me away from seriously considering Linux despite the Linux desktop having advanced to the point where it's actually quite usable. Literally all I needed someone to say was "You can install the KDE Plasma desktop environment and have a functioning, no-bullshit environment with compatibility for most things." That's it.

You know what I got when I asked about common tasks like managing media, doing system backups, playing games, or keeping in contact with friends?
- All of that is possible with Linux. You must simply remove the learned helplessness that has been ingrained from using Windows.
- Desktop environments are overrated. I do everything in the shell.
- Wow, Win7 is literally worse than Linux. What have you been doing lmaooooo

There was also the obligatory "u shuld only play freeware gaems" idiot just like the one you found. And if interacting with people like this is my reward for jumping through the hoops of installing Linux, then avoiding them is reason enough to stick with MS. My decision to build a Linux machine (in addition to my main Windows machine, obviously) was done mostly to make use of old hardware and a "what the hell" attitude. Freetards are 100% the reason why I took so long to even consider using Linux.

The best part is that now I'm on Win10 on my main gaming machine and I've drunk from the ambrosia that is PowerShell, so I don't even want to move back to Linux and deal with some retarded terminal environment that has fewer features, less control, and thinks Ctrl + Shift + Fkey is an acceptable shortcut to paste text.


zaki is rebuilding their follows

PSA to all the linux promoters out here: this sort of shit does NOT help at all and only causes harm to your goal
