Across The Spider-Verse Part 1 Initial Thoughts
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Really bad pacing. The first hour was rough to watch and overall the movie felt not nearly as substantial as it could’ve been. It felt like set up for the next movie rather than a part in of itself. I have mixed opinions on the visuals overall. I thought some scenes were really hard hitting and good, particularly in the last hour of the movie. I would say the first movie was a much tighter film and probably just better. I’m interested in some of the messaging going on here regarding independence though.

Across The Spider-Verse Part 1 Initial Thoughts
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@SweetAmelia It felt much the same to me, and I thought it was too long. It's a shame because I absolutely adore the first film. I'm glad I'm not the only one that felt this way.

Across The Spider-Verse Part 1 Initial Thoughts
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@RomanticKink i’ve only ever seen glowing opinions on it so I’m pretty disappointed and surprise I am and surprised people thought so universally positively of it.

Across The Spider-Verse Part 1 Initial Thoughts
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@SweetAmelia I wonder how much of that is just a desire to like it so much that they gloss over the issues. Or, maybe we're just reading too much into it! LOL A friend of mine said that he enjoyed it a lot more after watching it a 2nd time, but I haven't done so yet. I just feel they could have done the same story in a much more interesting way... and in about 45 less minutes.