i dont think this is the best microwave to learn with
@entailment parents figured we could get by fine with just an oven and hobs iirc
@dragonminded i never had one at home! just a slightly fancy oven and gas hobs
@mynotaurus ah yeah, i can imagine getting pretty far without. isn't reheating leftovers annoying tho?
also if you want some microwave tips watch this: https://youtu.be/dJrdXRZ3PUE
@username9431 HEY it was like this when i got here lmao
@entailment generally no? most frozen stuff can just be stuck in the oven for a few minutes or stuck in a toaster. but compared to a microwave yeah it was slooow lol
@mynotaurus i am shook. this is the most cursed myno lore i have unlocked yet
@mynotaurus i seldom even stay in *hotel rooms* that don't have a microwave. they're so common here that they routinely come built into the stove exhaust bit above the gas hobs as you call them. entire genres of depression food revolve around having one. i realize there's a bit of a pond between these two walks of life but it just seems so foreign to me that not only have you never owned one in your entire existence, but that you've never used one even at a friend or relative's place.
@dragonminded ok i have technically used a microwave exactly once while on holiday, but it was an attempt to make microwave popcorn and the bag got stuck and burnt the inside of the microwave so i dont consider it to be a particularly enlightening experience lmao
@mynotaurus oh, creature. we must protect you at all costs.
@dragonminded please come save me from the scary microwave /sarcasm
@mynotaurus oh no its not the microwave you must be protected from. you are too innocent and too pure for this world.