Am I the oddball for still using XFCE and LXDM on Void?
#xfce #desktop #gui #layout #voidlinux #linux #epicmickey #GuidesByVS
How this XFCE look was made:
1. Extract and copy this theme into /home/USER/.themes/: {green.tar.gz}
2. Extract and copy these icons to /home/USER/.icons: []
3. If it doesn't exist already, create a file in /home/USER/.config/gtk-3.0/ named 'gtk.css' and paste the following into it:
#launcher-arrow { color: #00cb66; }
This will ensure that if you put multiple apps in one launcher that the arrow will turn into a matching color, so long as you set 'Arrow button position: Inside Button' in Advanced.
4. Create two panels, one for the top and for the bottom. Set the row size for the top panel as 24 pixels. Lock the panel, 'Automatically hide the panel: Never', reserve space on screen edges for the panel, 'Lenth (pixels): 1600', tick 'automatically increase the length', make opacity Entering and Leaving 100 and tick Dark Mode, tick 'adjust size automatically', AND FINALLY...
5. Download this theme:, extract it, and take the panel.xpm file from wherever you saved it: Nano-Blu-Xfce/panel/panel.xpm, and set it as the top panel's background. For the lower one, I cropped and flipped it via online image editor.
The rest, like icon layout, separators, and other utilities you choose to put on your taskbar, is up to you. Good luck!
Also HOLY HECK did not expect this to max the character limit.
#customization #Linux #xfce #theme #theming #voidlinux #continued #guide #howto