The Arctic ocean photographed in the same place, 107 years ago vs today
‘Mutant’ Covid-19 wave hits Queensland.
"The latest wave has come as a result of the newest Covid-19 strain – XEC"
"Almost 1 in 5 Queenslander hit with COVID-19 this year were hospitalised"
Der Chaos Computer Club (CCC) deckt auf, dass der Volkswagen-Konzern Bewegungsdaten von hunderttausenden Fahrzeugen der Marken VW, Audi, Skoda und Seat systematisch erfasst und über lange Zeiträume speichert.
“don't know which came first: the desire to build more cloud compute, or the supposed need for more compute for LLMs, but it's a match made in a dry, cooked, hell on earth.“ by @mttaggart #AI #38C3
Kind ist krank. Wir können nicht zum #38C3 fahren. ☹️ Ich habe deshalb zwei Suporter Tickets abzugeben. Bitte bei Interesse hier per Direktnachricht melden.
You know about disposable vapes?
many brands are powered by the same lithium-ion cells that are used to make huge battery packs for electric cars or ebikes
but with vapes, they're just ... thrown out
Chris Doel got 130 dead vapes, took the batteries out, and used them to create a new rechargeable battery pack for his ebike
It worked *great*
His question: "Why they hell are they being thrown away after one use?"
Item #6 in my latest "Linkfest" newsletter:
A map of every country that uses the MM/DD/YYYY date format