Irgendwelche Städteplanertubbies sind jetzt gegen Poller. Dabei kommt es doch nur auf die Ausgestaltung an.
Form follows function.
„Städteplaner! Geht denken!!“
Dear AI Companies, instead of sneakily scraping, how about a tiny $10,000 donation? We'll even throw in a shiny new download link to our entire planet's geo data! Who knew it was that easy? Start here: #win #ai #bots #OpenStreetMap 🌍 🤖 🤑
The fact that OpenAI's devs are disabling the "Ignore previous instructions…" hack for "safety reasons" tells me that they have no idea who's safety they need to preserve.
LLMs are being used to scam and fool people constantly, far more than being "helpful assistants".
For what it's worth, I have a tell word that I use to determine an LLM. If the devs actually gave a shit about user safety, they'd build in easy tells for folk.
(Hell, Bladerunner and West World were smart enough to do it.)
Learn to host your own services now. Because in the future you might not be able to discover how.
Q: How bad was #crowdstrike ?
A: Well, Microsoft will start selling ad space on the Blue Screen of Death next week ...
Ich kann mich nicht erinnern, dass von einem amerikanischen Präsidenten berichtet wurde, welche Schuhe er trägt oder wo er seine Frau kennen gelernt hat. Das sind laut @zdfheute zwei der 5 Dinge, die man über #kamelaharris wissen muss.