bad dream about bad injury
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i had a dream where for whatever reason my mom and 2 sisters tried to make a bridge from a fallen tree and tree branch, but it was like a good 15 feet of the ground. i was watching but from pretty far away. they were all on top of the tree trying to lift the branch up to them but one person was acting silly and got in the way, causing them to drop it. it caused so much vibration they all fell and, mom and 1 sister were fine but the other hit her head on the ground pretty hard and was out cold. i ran over as fast as i could, which took like 20 seconds and she still wasnt moving and was face down in the mud. tried to slap her awake and it worked but also sent her into a panic. i felt so bad and scared. im so glad it wasn't real but i can't stop thinking about what if it was, and what i should do in that situation