if you haven't installed Portal 2: In Motion DLC on the PS3 version of Portal 2, the logs get spammed with "DLC3_INSTALLED"
you probably will never ever notice this
but i do
@ipg that seems like it would have made debugging harder for valve.. like if i put that into the video game i would have gone "this is an unacceptable solution, i can't see if anything else is working"
@monorail presumably the developers had Portal 2: In Motion installed
(alternative: this is somehow a log line that is compiled out of debug builds but left in retail builds)
(alternative 2: valve employees wrote a custom script to filter out that specific line from debug lines because they love half-assed things that will cause issues for me, specifically, over a decade later)
@ipg surely when adding dlc to a game you also have to test that the base game still works without it..
@ipg i'm leaning towards alternative 2
@monorail including the part i said its because they hate me in particular?
@ipg you keep hacking their stuff
@monorail not my fault they make it so hackable. and they dont even let me talk about the really cool stuff