@AppleAmps boycotts are stupid.
but indefinitely ceasing to support (or attempting to minimize support for) certain companies is a good idea.
eg. believing amazon is unethical, so attempting to personally avoid ever ordering things from amazon & encouraging friends and family to do the same
but like the people who get mad at someone for not doing that shit are goobers.
I mean, if you wanna stop using Amazon go ahead but that has equal impact on the world as putting a salt circle around your house.
I absolutely agree.
My problem is that you COULD be using that time you're wasting on trying to get friends and family to do something that has no impact and 0 political worth on trying to convince friends and families to join marches or activist groups or unions or any of the myriad ways to actually make the world better.
thing is, I don't spend time doing that. I'll mention it in passing like maybe once. and that's about it. if it's relevant to the current conversation or like someone asks me about it, then sure I'll go into it more. but other than that, I don't.
I'd much rather spend my time on different forms of activism than that. ones which will actually make more of a difference.