I’m just gonna ignore everything unless its relevant to me. Unless he bans SRS or legal gender recognition I don’t fucking care I’ll get through this
and if he does ban either of those I can try to fuck off to canada in the next few months or something
that would be incredibly difficult though so I’d rather not
@julia p sure the anti-trans executive order specifically redefines legal gender recognition as bioessentialist and trans and intersex exclusionary
@julia i don't think it's been signed yet but it's expected to be
@julia he actively does intend to try and get rid of those exact things on the federal level, however states are likely to resist this. remember when gay people could only get married in half the country? it’s probably gonna be like that
@eri okay yeah but passports are done federally if I can’t get one with my fucking gender on it I’m gonna fucking cry
if you need a hail mary, do this now.
someone replied with a way that can possibly get you one in 24 hours but only in some states and idk if that'll work for you
@julia yes, but he’s only going to be in charge for four years and everything he has planned is going to be deeply unpopular. he barely won because a few idiots were nostalgic for the pre-covid economy. when the white moderates see that he’s doing nothing but culture war bullshit while grocery prices skyrocket, they’re going to turn on him and reflexively vote in someone who will want to undo everything Trump did simply out of principle.
additionally, states can and will resist Trump. remember that he’s not very popular! most people don’t like him. blue states especially will have reason to resist federal orders and treat things a lot like how marijuana currently is.
the next four years are absolutely going to suck for a multitude of reasons, but giving up and complying in advance is exactly what fascists want you to do
@eri I just want to live and be myself. Why is that so much to ask.
@julia then do it. don’t let legal paperwork define who you are
@eri what’s the point of living as myself if nobody is going to recognize me for who I am