@the_gayest_goat_in_town that it isn’t, i’ve never seen anyone complain of its presence
@the_gayest_goat_in_town you can always find Someone for any possible opinion
@h i feel like this is my most boomer tech complaint bc i still never quite understood why they got rid of it beyond the BS reason of making the product thinner, which, they couldve made it thinner WITH the headphone jack still in tact iirc
@a i simply do not care at all, wireless is more convenient in every way unless youre awake for days without sleep
@h @a well, there are two potential issues that I both encountered already: broken bluetooth drivers, and the mess that is dualbooting a computer and not continuously transferring the pairing keys across both OSes.
I'm all for convenience (hence why I even have a set of bluetooth headphones to begin with!) but if one wants the reliability and audio quality (like, better than what Bluetooth can offer), one should just use wired headphones or speakers.
@h why bother with an old technology that just works, when you can have something that
@dlatchx because usb c exists and doesnt have those flaws so get over it
@AppleAmps @dlatchx wires tangle, earbuds in a case that i only need to charge once every few days are great. and again, usb c exists so wired stuff is still an option