you know what i hope ends in my life time unironically? segregating based off of gender and/or sex. i think “male sports” and “female sports” shouldn’t exist. i hate gender essentialism.
genuinely hope that future generations look back on when we separated restrooms based on what genitals you were supposed to have they get the same feeling of unease and disbelief as i did when i first learned about racial segregation.
@puppygirlhornypost2 what, so you treated people different for having a penis or a vagina? wait PEOPLE BASED GENDER ON THAT?
@puppygirlhornypost2 i feel like eventually the idea of like, cis people and trans people just won't exist because people get to choose their gender either way, so there's not much of a distinction other than just puberty i guess
@darl i mean that’s the goal. to normalize it to the point there’s not really a concept of trans or cis
@puppygirlhornypost2 wait does gender even fucking need to exist like damn it has only caused us problems
can we just exist as like cool fucken aliens and just reproduce through mitosis or without binaries anymore
@darl i like having sex though so can we keep the sex part
@puppygirlhornypost2 I dunno. I really don’t feel comfortable with that idea. Men are… blegh…
@puppygirlhornypost2 My mom spent so much time reminding me over and over again that a lot of men are not above sexual abuse, and if I’m honest, if I’m alone in public, it’s terrifying. I don’t think bathrooms should be agender- I could get behind individual bathroom stalls with proper walls and everything, but I don’t want a man I don’t trust anywhere near me while I’m going to the bathroom.
@puppygirlhornypost2 like, it has been repeatedly shown that the primary factor in competitiveness in sports is just how much testosterone you have in your body, regardless of your gender/sex lol
@jnpojuwan it was hard to explain the feeling i felt. i just thought it was so cruel. at that time i didn’t know the word dystopian. It’s at this time I acknowledge that I lived in Alabama, in a community where it was a very even mix (prior to that i had lived in arizona and the places that i lived didn’t have a large black population). I had just as much black friends as I had white and then to hear about all of that. Just felt unreal to me? I don’t know how to describe it.
@puppygirlhornypost2 yayyy we all happy :3
@puppygirlhornypost2 no like sex would still be a thing but it just wouldn't be attached to the idea of these binaries
like, a girl, or a boy, or a boy on a girl, or a girl on a girl, or a boy on a boy or anything like that
like, we would instead find attraction in the unique configuration of identity in that person instead of having to decant into generalistic labels
hmm... i think this is a complex question too because we are also naturally women and men because gender identity itself happens naturally (disregarding of predetermined biological configurations) so would it be erasure to delete the concept of gender altogether?
yeah my brain is stupid forget all i said 😭
@puppygirlhornypost2 @darl You can keep the sex part but you won’t be welcome in Denmark once we’ve conquered it.
@solonovamax @puppygirlhornypost2 i was under the impression that "testosterone over baseline" was more relevant as opposed to absolute levels of testosterone, meaning testosterone above the amount that your body has been generating from glands or is otherwise accustomed to. i believe that people with high absolute levels of testosterone do not necessarily exhibit greater athletic ability
@LunaDragofelis @puppygirlhornypost2 maybe not, but at least then they’d get screamed at by everyone else in the room until they leave
@solonovamax @puppygirlhornypost2 like why is this not the exact argument used to justify gender segregation in sports? not trying to troll i am just confused by assertions that testosterone is supposedly so important because i see that a lot from people against gender integration. but i'm the opposite of an expert here. feel free to ignore
@LunaDragofelis @puppygirlhornypost2 I mean, I was non passing for a long time, I get it, but genuinely, I don’t feel safe around men in public, and I think bathrooms should remain gender separated or be individual.
@AppleAmps @LunaDragofelis @puppygirlhornypost2 I mean, fair. But still the notion that I should be comfortable using the same bathroom as a man sits wrong with me. I still remember being mortified the last time I had to use the mens room instead of the women’s room, I couldn’t actually get myself to go because I was scared.
@julia @LunaDragofelis They should be individual, or at the very least we should remove the ‘gap’ in North American restrooms. I don’t think anyone who’s purposely praying on vulnerable people is going to be stopped by segregated bathrooms (I’ve heard plenty of horror stories about late night gas station bathrooms). I also think I would genuinely feel safer if there were other men in the bathroom to thwart off anyone from trying to attempt that (although i know that logic is flawed)
@puppygirlhornypost2 @LunaDragofelis just being around men while vulnerable scares the ever loving shit out of me
@julia @LunaDragofelis same except it’s not even just men being around other people i don’t know who could potentially be hostile…
@puppygirlhornypost2 @LunaDragofelis it’s probably just a trauma response that my mom drilled into me
@julia @LunaDragofelis probably. i don’t want to dismiss it though because it would take getting used to for a lot of people in similar circumstances. personally, i think that we should just not tolerate this behavior as a society (I find it sickening the catcalling girls face at ages as early as 10!)
@AppleAmps @LunaDragofelis @puppygirlhornypost2 it is passing privilege, but like. I don’t think mixed gender bathrooms are the solution. Agender ones are the solution, but I don’t see that finding mass adoption due to the need to reconstruct things
@julia @AppleAmps @LunaDragofelis I object I don’t think it’s passing privilege to worry about such things. Especially with the increased violence towards transgender individuals. I think Julia has some trauma yes but it’s not “passing privilege”.
@AppleAmps @julia @LunaDragofelis maybe because pissing in front of strangers is just not great? I mean I relate to her and I don’t even care what bathroom I’m in. Sitting there trying to piss at a urinal when someone’s close to me and for some god forsaken reason my body doesn’t want to work and I have to force it.
@AppleAmps @LunaDragofelis @puppygirlhornypost2 I have seen disgusting and appalling behavior from men from my time I had to spend in mens spaces. I don’t trust them in the slightest to behave themselves with mixed gender bathrooms.
@AppleAmps @julia @LunaDragofelis I think there’s very real concerns in regards to this. Being afraid of being cornered in a bathroom with nowhere to escape. it’s something that happens enough to be concerned about. Even if I don’t agree that she’s more likely to be attacked by men in particular I get the sentiment.
@LunaDragofelis @puppygirlhornypost2 this would be better, yeah
@AppleAmps @julia @LunaDragofelis sorry perhaps i was misreading
@AppleAmps @julia @LunaDragofelis I don’t get to use female bathrooms either for that matter. I am not on hrt and i haven’t publicly transitioned so i get it :/
@AppleAmps @julia @LunaDragofelis like i’d personally feel better either way if we removed the gendered signs so that im not accosted for not being feminine enough (another topic all together)
@AppleAmps @puppygirlhornypost2 @LunaDragofelis what’s the alternative though
@AppleAmps @julia @LunaDragofelis yes and she proposed maybe having closed off bathrooms. I’ve seen gendered bathrooms that were just one person bathrooms that’s just stupid. they’re both the same exact toilet regardless of the man sign or the woman sign
@AppleAmps @julia @LunaDragofelis I really like European gender neutral bathrooms because each stall is basically a private room at that point with a shared sink outside.
@AppleAmps @julia @LunaDragofelis this is more of what i was trying to propose originally.
@puppygirlhornypost2 @AppleAmps @LunaDragofelis I agree that those would be better, yes
@julia @AppleAmps @LunaDragofelis although the one thing about that is i can’t lift up my skirt plop out my giant cock and start pissing in a urinal to people’s shock and confusion. :(
@AppleAmps @LunaDragofelis @puppygirlhornypost2 yeah I think those would be better for everyone
@julia @AppleAmps @LunaDragofelis you know that just fits in with my personality though nobody doubts that i would do that
@hipsterelectron @solonovamax @puppygirlhornypost2 Yep. Endogenous testosterone (the stuff your body makes without prompting) has no correlation with athletic ability. Exogenous testosterone (the stuff in pills or injections etc) has a correlation.
@hipsterelectron @solonovamax @puppygirlhornypost2 almost forgot to say "lol"
@puppygirlhornypost2 @AppleAmps @julia @LunaDragofelis i’m thinking that maybe instead of one big bathroom with multiple stalls in it, it’d be much safer if there were simply multiple smaller bathrooms that only one person can be in at a time
that way no one would have to deal with other people
but thats more expensive so why would anyone bother, and most people dont care enough to get anything of that sort standardized
also side note but i’m scared that if gender neutral bathrooms actually catch on anywhere, men would continue getting their stupid urinals installed and piss out in the open for everyone to see, but now while also exposing women to it. god i hate urinals i hate urinals i hate urinals i hate urinals i hate urinals i hate urinals
@lea @AppleAmps @julia @LunaDragofelis at least in the european gender neutral bathrooms i was talking about earlier it seemed to all be stalls and no urinals.
@puppygirlhornypost2 @AppleAmps @julia @LunaDragofelis urinal defenders are literally more stubborn and obnoxious about their disgusting pissing habits than political extremists are about their political takes
@puppygirlhornypost2 @AppleAmps @julia @LunaDragofelis i’ve honestly never seen gender neutral bathrooms anywhere (although granted id rather be in pain for hours than use any public bathroom unless absolutely necessary)
at US airports i always used the family bathrooms but they didnt even have that in germany i think
@lea @puppygirlhornypost2 @AppleAmps @LunaDragofelis I hate urinals so much just pee sitting down it’s not hard
@julia @puppygirlhornypost2 @AppleAmps @LunaDragofelis and male bathrooms are ALWAYS designed that you have to walk past them to get to the stalls
@mira @LunaDragofelis @AppleAmps @puppygirlhornypost2 YES. in the US stall walls don’t touch the floor or ceiling, leaving ample room for creeping hands or whatever fucking else it’s awful
@lea @AppleAmps @julia @LunaDragofelis bestie, one of my clients is edu in Oklahoma and even they have a gender neutral bathroom. it’s only one stall but it’s still a leap forward. A community college I formerly attended to had a proper gender neutral bathroom with the half man half woman logo (was pretty cool to see considering Oklahoma is a transphobic Republican controlled shithole)
@mira @LunaDragofelis @AppleAmps @puppygirlhornypost2 I’ve genuinely not once seen fully enclosed stalls in my life
@julia @mira @LunaDragofelis @AppleAmps the official excuse for this is the war on drugs (literally the gaps are for the explicit purpose of seeing what one is doing inside the restroom yes)
@puppygirlhornypost2 @mira @LunaDragofelis @AppleAmps ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS
@puppygirlhornypost2 @AppleAmps @julia @LunaDragofelis the closest thing ive seen here is the disabled bathroom at my old school lol
@julia @mira @LunaDragofelis @AppleAmps I’d take a photo but school is in session and I do not want to catch a charge. You’ll just have to believe me on that one.
@puppygirlhornypost2 @mira @LunaDragofelis @AppleAmps why is this God awful country like this 😭
@julia @mira @LunaDragofelis @AppleAmps yes. I am. Most notably as well establishments will purposely make things like the toilet lid slanted so stuff falls off of them and people can’t do lines. It’s why you can’t rest anything on the toilet paper holder.
@puppygirlhornypost2 @mira @LunaDragofelis @AppleAmps I hate this fucking country
@LunaDragofelis @julia @lea @AppleAmps I agree but only if the urinals are gender neutral so I can piss while standing it’s quite convenient I have to admit
@mira @puppygirlhornypost2 I put my phone in my purse and hang it from the door
@mira @puppygirlhornypost2 there’s usually a hanger on the door in the women’s room, in the men’s room it’s less common in my experience
@puppygirlhornypost2 the only sport i’ve played, quite badly, since i left school is archery. the olympic events are segregated but the bows, arrows, distances, targets, etc. are the same for men and women, so you can compare scores directly. in the individual events in the 2024 summer games the two highest scoring women did better than all the men, which just reinforces my suspicion that a lot of gender segregation in sport is about protecting men from the embarrassment of losing to women.
@lea @julia @LunaDragofelis @AppleAmps @puppygirlhornypost2 i was to iceland once. the only place where i saw a gendered bathroom was in a very touristy area in reykjavík. the rest was all individual, sign-less little bathrooms. literally everything else, in every corner of the country. it was very nice
@AppleAmps @LunaDragofelis @julia @lea @puppygirlhornypost2 compared to other non-eu nations, you should have comparatively little issue moving to iceland. i have friends who went to live there for varying amounts of time, one even for several years, with practically no paperwork, or burdens. and if its that simple to live there for several years, the jump to "permanently" shouldnt be all that difficult. do note that this is fully anecdotal however and this could be all wrong :3p. but seriously, there are many nations that are an absolute pain to move to, never heard of iceland being that way
@SallyStrange @hipsterelectron @puppygirlhornypost2 huh, I was under the impression that it was baseline T level which affected it
@puppygirlhornypost2 they mostly start because one woman does better than one man &the men freak out.
or because women have to start them because they have been gatekept out of mens sport but still want to play it.
@puppygirlhornypost2 &honestly. men are usually very involved in helping create these women sporting spaces.
@julia @puppygirlhornypost2 Frankly not sure how the split will eventually hold up when there are more openly nonbinary people
Also yeah America get normal fucking stalls holy shit