@ShaMyouiMo anyways, i doubt that they’ll go for a retro vibe for this one. i don’t really have proof personally, but people on the subreddit think that it’ll be maybe black metal, but probably more melodic than black metal usually is because like, they’re king gizz, they love themselves melody.
@ShaMyouiMo it’s like, >20 albums in 10 years of existence, really impressive.
@ShaMyouiMo pretty good i think. currently working on their next album, the prolific bastards
@sasha @cardboardglasses are you aware that you both just made the same post?
@sasha folks give the being money please please
RE: https://labyrinth.zone/objects/f4522cc6-88d9-474f-9d9c-ce81f0293c8a
should i use gzdoom (which is slower) or vkdoom (which is faster but only has nightly branches and so i don’t know what version i’m actually using and can’t update my mods accordingly)
boost if you want i’m not your mom (probably)
also btw this was deleted and redrafted because i got the time deadline thingy wrong, sorry
hey artists of fedi:
back about a year ago, I made a sonic exe.
Now that I'm noticably no longer in that fandom, I don't really like the oc as much anymore, however the character concept is still VERY nice.
I was wondering if anyone has comms open, and would be down to "un-sonic" my character. Thanks!
WAAaff !!! wa fwa fwa fawhehrr ARRrfff wawrehrrhrrrr eeeeeeeeeeee WAAAaaaa kon waaafff
wawahfawheh rhrrff, ekf reherh eeee ARrff !1
WAaaf aw hwaehr hRrrr ARRf ? waafffff
WAAaff !11 arrarrr aWerrrff eeeeeeeeee k ke wef wahehrr arf.
whahehr hra rhr eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ee ekk eeeeeeeee ek wa whereeereee aaaaffff wakehehrrrr !11 e.
waaaaaaa w awwfwaff eeeeeeeeeeeeeee ARrr !1 awwwwdfff w af fawwharrf
eefff e ffe awegrgrrrrrr ARrr !1
WAaff !! wafw wf wa hwaherr yipk on AAAAAAAAAaaaaaa fff waf w hwfffff krkrrrrrr eeee awawff kon ekff. wawf wah herhhrarr, wa rerhrr arerff. plaaaff wahehrarr eeeee kerhrarffff ffweffe wajerk krrrr ii keefff a
whahafh wha hwehr arrf ? wahhe hrh rh yip waa ? jehererlar ? waaaaaaaafff aw wherrarrf !
awhehr hrekr, ekfe.
awhherhRArff, awhherh r yip waaaff !!
anyone know of any good instances, for miserable cunts...
boosts appreciated but, probably nobody'll see this anyway...
will never not be amazed by the power company
less than two hours from massive arcing and a tree being completely caught in a line to full availability
all while rain was absolutely pouring rain with 60mph gusts and 40f weather
i have so much respect for those people, out here doing thankless work keeping life going